The Payment Solutions Consultancy

Profitability Management

Is your business maximising profitability potential?

We aim to help our clients maximise profitability through helping them grow revenue both organically and inorganically while focussing on maximising the efficiency of the cost base.  We also can help you model your go forward revenues and costs while ensuring that exposure is understood. 

On the revenue side we can help your business:

► Understand Interchange and Scheme Fees (which are generally the two biggest (and least understood) cost lines of any acquirer/Payfac

► Identify revenue leakage on existing ‘other income'

► Assess the efficacy of your pricing model both pre and post merchant boarding

► Assess individual merchant contribution

► Identify loss making merchants within your portfolio

► Ensure that seller incentives relative to company objectives are aligned


On the Expense side we can help your business understand: 

► Your Major cost lines and the efficiency of the spend

► People cost with a focus on seller performance against the cost to employ

► The performance and contribution of the terminal base against cost

► How best to manage your (likely) ever expanding comms costs

► The contribution that your risk policy is unnecessarily adding to your fraud and operational write-offs.


In short, we help you identify potential revenue leakage and in parallel, inefficient use of expense on the major lines of expenditure as a means of helping you maximise margin and profitability.